Green Illustrations and Animations
Illustrations are used either to explain more or less complex content or to simply be decorative. Greeneducation4all is specialized on using pictures to understand subject matter easily. We also use the beauty of a painting to draw the viewers’ attention toward environmental topics, sustainability and greening education.
With the help of a drawing, you can easily transfer content without much text or spoken words. Language barriers are no problem anymore and new knowledge can be transferred in a light and easy way.
Sometimes a static illustration isn't enough, for example if you want to talk about dynamic cycles or sequences. In those particular cases Greeneducation4all offers simple animations.
Greeneducation4all is offering illustrations and animations in a wide range of styles and levels of detail covering aquarelle paintings, comics, graphic novels and stick-man-drawings.
We are offering 20% discount for non-profit institutions. For your own now-binding offer, contact us via:
Green Illustrations
Did you ever face the challenge to explain a complex issue to an audience? Are you working in a field where you want to give a helping hand to those who have to face that kind of challenges? Let’s look at an example: A teacher stands in front of his or her class and wants to explain the meaning behind the word sustainability. The whole world is using the term, but how can we actually explain sustainability in a simple way?
Take a picture with a pond and put three fish inside. Let the fisherman take out one, then two. Sustainability ends where the fish can't reproduce, with less than two. It's easy and even easier with illustrations at hand.
Your benefits:
- Explain complex content in an easy way
- Draw the viewers' attention through appealing illustrations
- Overcoming language barriers
- Making things said understandable for the audience despite the educational background
- Make use of the illustrations in social media or on your website
- Add extra value to your publications
Green Animations
Sometimes in needs more than motionless illustrations. Especially if you need to explain processes. Let's for example look at the development lifecycle of a butterfly. Here we would need either a quite complex illustration or a simple animation. Using illustrations of the cycles stages and showing them one after the other will on one hand show the different stages and also the chronology of them. Another benefit in animating illustrations is the possibility to add text and with this to have the end result stand totally on its own, without additional explanation needed.
Complexity and level of detail can be adjusted to budget and liking. Greeneducation4all is offering tailor-made animations for you and your clients.
Your benefits:
- Explain sequences and chronologies in an easy way
- Make use of animated videos in social media or on your website
- Increase your channels ranking
- Draw your target groups' attention through appealing illustrations and moving pictures
- Making things said understandable for the audience despite the educational background
Visual communication for Johanniter
Stuttgart, 01. September 2019. Greeneducation4all helped to equip the professional membership recruitment team from Wesser in order to optimize their work routine. With the help of simple drawings, the street recruiters will be able to explain the good jobs, which will be supported, in a just a few seconds. In order to make passing pedestrians […]
Bumblebee cartoon for Environmental Ministry
Berlin, January until July 2019. In collaboration with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) we created a comic book about a wild bee, a bumblebee princess. All through her year, we follow the little insect and experience her challenges and her life’s cycle. All illustrations were done in Aquarelle […]
Illustrations for environmental education publication
Greeneducation4all joins forces with the Alfred Toepfer Academy for Nature Conservation (NNA). Education, research and public relations for nature conservation are responsibilities of the NNA. The Academy is a knowledge broker and discussion platform between science, administration, economy and the population. To support education in integrating environmental education the NNA provides a wide range of […]
Illustrations for membership recruitment
Conservation work needs support from society. To strengthen the membership base, some NGOs use the help of professional membership recruitment agencies. The ability of convincing people to support a good cause like nature protection comes from the spoken word and in our case is supported by unique illustrations. Small helpers which visualize the purpose of […]
Visual support for volunteers in NGOs
Berlin, 2018. Germanys biggest and oldest member-based conservation NGO, the NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.) elaborated a tool kit that aims on helping over 30.000 active volunteers in their day-to-day work. Condensed information, tips, rules and regulations are compiled in a “first aid kid” for volunteer work in conservation. The NABU supplies all 2000 volunteer groups […]
“Teaching biodiversity” master copies
The master copies are part of the project component “Enjoy biodiversity campaign” within the overall project “Biodiversity under Climate Change: Community-Based Conservation, Management and Development for the Wild Coffee Forests” (2014 – 2017), funded within the framework for the International Climate Initiative by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear […]